Martin Graham ...

photo of martin graham 2022

Martin Graham

image of the logos of the many companies with whom martin has worked.

Some of the places I have worked.

I like breaking down ideas into their component parts and understanding them.  Especially ideas that describe the behavior of people.  This gives me a working model that I can use.  I can reflect on the model.  I can compare it to models that already exist.  I can compare two different models to see if there are similarities.  And I can sometimes combine more than one model to create another that I consider to be more complete.  Then I can look at people's behavior as a series of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions.

Sometimes it is possible to see the interactions between these things and the effects they have on each other and the outcomes of things.  I can also compare the thinking, feeling, belief, and behavior of a real person to the model.  When I do this so I can see if and how the real behavior is different to the model.  Sometimes I can see if and how these differences modify the outcomes.

I also like relatively precise use of language. Not in the literary sense, but in the choice of words and grammar.  To see how accurately the words I use, or the words used by another person accurately express what I think the person means, wants to mean, would like to mean, or has done. People use words very differently.  Sometimes they use words to share an idea, convince us of an idea, impose an idea, question an idea; I presume that there is a very long list of things people want to do and can do and could do with language and words and grammar.  I can then reflect to the person who has decided to work with me what their words have communicated to me.  I can also use their words to ask questions.  

I also use models to see how their words, usually combined with their thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behavior, compare to the model, where there are differences and similarities.  Some models can be considered to obtain outcomes that are different in some way, desirable.  We can think later how different models can promise different results, or outcomes, not sure if those two words have a fundamentally different meaning, which is an example of how I understand oral and written language.  Just a note, not all languages are oral or written.  language can also be body, facial, emotional, tonal, volume, speed, inaccurate, misspoken, or inadequate, excessive, flowery, literary, comical, and the most proscribed one, is a lie. Untrue, not factual, deliberately misleading.

Having a working model doesn’t make me an actor though, maybe it makes me an engineer?   Having paint brushes and paint doesn’t make me a painter, knowing how to paint doesn’t make me a painter.  But I admire enormously the painter, and I can give the painter some ideas about painting, and the painter can paint better with the ideas I give to them. 

The tennis player wins the match, but the player cannot watch the match and play it at the same time.  Although he could watch a replay if it was recorded.  But the coach can watch the player and see what the player does that makes him the winner, or the loser, of the match; and the coach can do that even during the match.  Then he can give that information to the player or to other players that will improve their performance.  The player still needs to be the person who decides and applies these ideas and learns to work with them, because even with the ideas not all players are excellent at executing them, not all painters are masters.

Coaches and players have very different skills, desires, pleasures, rewards.  But they share a common goal.

If you combine a good coach and an excellent player, then you can get an exceptional result.

What I say about myself ... 'the rules are made for people, not people for the rules.'

Click the down arrow to know more of how a good coach works with a excellent player to get great results.
Then read what my clients say about me.

What my clients say about me ... many thanks to them for their support.


Catherine Deguehegny · 1stFirst degree connectionassistante direction générale Sogeti CorporateJuly 20, 2011, Catherine was Martin’s client
    • Martin Graham est intervenu auprès du CEO, de son COMEX et d'autres collaborateurs (commerciaux, bid managers, assistantes) afin de faciliter les relations internes dans un groupe devenu mondial depuis peu, par le biais d'abord de cours d'anglais indispensables à tous mais également par du coaching en relations internationales afin d'améliorer la qualité des échanges et le développement des performances professionnelles dans une langue non maternelle et une culture souvent méconnue. Sa mission a été couronnée de succès et sa collaboration très appréciée des acteurs stratégiques de l'entreprise.


Mark Webb · 1stFirst degree connectionMulti award winning public speaker and disability advocate. D&I and Disability with humour and shameless name-dropping…January 31, 2021, Mark worked with Martin but they were at different companies
    • What a force for good!
    • We had been stalking each other - in a good way - on LinkedIn for while, when Martin suggested we actually talked.
    • And I’m so glad we hooked up. Our chats are informal, friendly and fun. But my brain comes away fizzing with positive learnings and ‘To Do’s’.
    • Brilliant chap.


ERIC MICHEL · 1stFirst degree connectionCAPGEMINI Group Business Control HeadMay 8, 2012, ERIC was Martin’s client
    • I worked with martin for a few years and I can confirm that he was a key actor for our integration process in a global organization.In fact,he brought his plurial experience of international relations with accurate understanding of both anglo-saxon/french behaviour.He helped French managers to break their psychological barrier to take leadership in international context.Moreover,he doesn't hesitate to challenge you in order to check your conviction and helps you to stand back.
    • In conclusion,have a coaching experience with martin,you won't regret it!


Agnès Mauffrey  1st1st degree connectionGlobal CIO chez Sodexo
Working with Martin allowed me to take some distance with the daily activities, think on the relationships within the professional environment in a different way ... and improve my capabilities in making professional presentations in English. His simplicity, the proximity he is able to establish with the management team members and the originality of his approach were highly valuable to me. 


Jean-Michel Caillaud · 1stFirst degree connectionEpicurieux de Nature et auteur des Lettres de mon jardin, coédition La Salamandre- Terre VivanteApril 27, 2012, Jean-Michel was Martin’s client
    • I have worked with Martin in the context of my coaching to be a strong team leader in an English-speaking environment.
    • Martin is talented in creating relationships based on mutual trust and confidence. He is an excellent listener, listening carefully and immediately bringing broader perspectives. His strong knowledge and passion for the French and English culture give him indisputably the credibility to operate in this multi-cultural context. He is always available when needed.

    • His feedback has been always very relevant, positive and challenging. He was always of extremely relevant help to make me understand my personal driving force and deal better with complex environment.
      I have always enjoyed meeting Martin as a person and as a coach. Our meetings have been each time a great moment of sharing, active listening and convivial relationships.

      He has helped me providing wider perspectives embracing corporate and personal strategies and goals.
      His support and advice have been one of the key factors in the success of the different presentations I did in English in front of very large audience.

      He has demonstrated strong skills in helping me strengthening my self-confidence and feeling more comfortable in my position. He has succeeded in making me aware of my skills and strengths of strong team leader. He has achieved his goal of giving me the faith and trust about my ability to communicate easily in English.

      I warmly recommend Martin to anybody willing to build a strong leadership based on human values, team spirit and consistently to the culture and the strategy of the Company, or to set up with leaders a global winning strategy in a context of changes. In the future, I am sure I will have the opportunities to work again with Martin either personally or with my team.


Alexandre Pizon · 1stFirst degree connectionGlobal Quality Director Medical Devices / EU MDR Product Corporate Lead chez Bausch Health Companies Inc.March 19, 2019, Alexandre was Martin’s client
    • Le coaching avec Martin a été une formidable expérience qui m’a permis de porter un nouveau regard sur ma façon de fonctionner dans mon travail sein d’un groupe à dimension internationale. Progressivement, de nouvelles façons de travailler me sont apparues et j'en tire aujourd'hui des bénéfices importants.
    • Martin est un coach pragmatique avec une vraie profondeur humaine, qui sait vous révéler dans un climat de confiance et de confidentialité. Il a une connaissance fine des différences interculturelles. Les moments d'échanges sont un réel plaisir.
    • Au sein d’une même séance, il aborde avec autant d’aisance un éclairage d’un point de vue théorique, qu’une mise en pratique très concrète. On sort d’une session de coaching avec le sentiment d’avoir à la fois appris quelque chose et d’avoir avancé dans son travail.
    • Avec Martin, vous serez à coup sûr un meilleur leader et vous gagnerez du temps sur votre développement. Je recommande chaudement de vivre cette expérience.


Catherine Even · 1stFirst degree connectionVP HR internationalOctober 18, 2016, Catherine was Martin’s client
    • I had opportunity to share ideas with Martin about intercultural management, and he has exposed to me a brilliant approach of cross cultural coaching which could be really helpful for multinational teams. I had also asked Martin to coach 2 Directors in English during the last years, in order for them to be more comfortable with presentations, sharing and expressing their ideas in a complex and very demanding organization. Both of them gained confidence and ability to manage relationship with English speakers.


Jean-Manuel Quiroga · 1stFirst degree connectionManaging Director France & Southern Europe at MathWorksMay 14, 2012, Jean-Manuel was Martin’s client
    • Martin is one of those people that you like from the moment you meet. It's not too often you have the opportunity to work with someone that is as focused on the success of others as much or more than their own personal success. He always goes out of his way to help others grow personally and professionally. I would welcome the idea of working with martin anytime in the future and wish him great success.


Luc Pévère · 1stFirst degree connectionGeneral Manager at DACPMarch 21, 2012, Luc worked with Martin but they were at different companies
    • Martin creates a good working rhythm; he is available, innovative, pragmatic, open-minded, quick and fun. Spending time with him is a priority for me. I've told him that he must insist on how much he accelerates learning. He helped me clarify my thoughts to make the change


Cécile Kergrohen · 1stFirst degree connectionDirectrice Marketing - Développement - CommunicationApril 8, 2012, Cécile was Martin’s client
    • Martin Graham is a very respectful but stimulating coach and tailors his methods to your exact needs, personality and situation.
    • Based on different methods and theories, Martin Graham made me find my own keys to professional development and personal harmony.


Vincent THELLIER · 1stFirst degree connectionGeneral Manager at Alcon FranceMay 25, 2012, Vincent was Martin’s client
    • Martin is becoming my vital coach since 2010. Thanks to him I have discovered the truly meaning of the word, Coaching. I have never seen such capabilities to earn trust from each other. I recommend Martin for every person who wants to have coach to achieve fast and successful results.


Paul-Louis GAYREL · 1stFirst degree connectionQuality International Management Healthcare Industry - Bausch Health, ABBOTT, bioMerieux, Septodont, StallergenesApril 13, 2016, Paul-Louis was Martin’s client
    • With Martin’s coaching, I improved my skills to face to the challenges of International Leadership.
    • Through an interactive process, mixing theory and experiences, by an understanding of my areas of strength and my leadership profile, I developed my communication skills, I improve my understanding of people interrelationships and behaviors, individually, in a team and as network. I understood what is my personal added value and the one of my team. As all this job was done in English , It really improve my ease in English communication.
    • All of this finally allows me to have better strategic approach.


Virginie BRUNET · 1stFirst degree connectionSenior Consultant in Distribution Department chez EyeD PharmaMay 3, 2013, Virginie was Martin’s client
    • Not easy to resume in few words the support Martin brings me on a regular basis as it is so much. Since 1 year we are working together, my confidence is deeper and focused on the right things that make my professional and even personal life better and more balanced. He has a gift in understanding so quick the depth of a personality and raise the best of it with subtil orientation. What I appreciate especially are the very practical examples he uses to help me visualize and project myself. I definitively recommend Martin Grahams for coaching and to create a trusted partnership for personal development.


Guillaume Chaufer · 1stFirst degree connectionDeputy General Manager Europe at ALTAVIAMarch 16, 2012, Guillaume was Martin’s client
    • Different opportunities I have to work with Martin allowed me to improve my management and better manage my teams.
    • In working on myself, I could better understand the expectations of eithers, and take them into account.
    • Martin gave me some keys to grow and grow my teams.


Frederic Louguet · 1stFirst degree connectionPrincipal Solution Architect at NTT DATA ServicesApril 20, 2015, Frederic was Martin’s client
    • Martin m’a aidé à rendre ma présentation personnelle beaucoup plus percutante, en me faisant dire qui je suis avant de dire ce que je sais faire.
    • Le travail que j’ai réalisé avec lui m’a permis d’identifier et de mettre en valeur mes points forts, les solidités sur lesquelles je me suis appuyé pour arriver là où j’en suis et qui me rendent pertinent pour le job que je vise.
    • Son soutien m’a permis de renforcer ma confiance en moi et dans les autres. Et comme Martin sait distiller une pointe d’humour de temps en temps, les sessions de travail avec lui, qui sont toujours intenses, sont un vrai plaisir. De plus Martin a le sens du résultat, il vous accompagne jusqu’à l’atteinte de l’objectif et assure le suivi de sa prestation.


Sylvie Le Meur · 1stFirst degree connectionAssigned through AXA to Nonprofit Organization France Benevolat - Program "Planete mon amie" at AXA servicesNovember 16, 2016, Sylvie was Martin’s client
    • Martin and I worked together regularly during the multi-year coaching program of the "big deals" outsourcing sales team. I remember it has been a fantastic experience:
    • • first as an english “teacher” but also more than this, helping me with the way I was communicating, dealing with all kind of accent and pronunciation, cultural behavior which is now something that I use every day in my international job where lots of people are not Anglo-American native.
    • • Secondly more as a coach, helping me to grow “in english” as a woman executive in a context full of male colleagues. Our relationship was based on mutual confidence and trust.
    • In a nutshell, the time spent with Martin has been probably one of the most valuable “learning” time I ever had in my career and on top of all with lots of fun! kind regards


Jérôme Bulté · 1stFirst degree connectionDirecteur GénéralJune 19, 2018, Jérôme was Martin’s client
    • Toujours simple, pertinent et efficace.
    • Martin nous a aidé à mettre en ordre de marche une équipe en construction, à bâtir un message pertinent pour nos interlocuteurs, à détecter et valoriser les atouts de chacun et du groupe, à donner une dimension plus ouverte à notre réflexion, à intégrer les différences culturelles de nos partenaires étrangers


Jérôme Geraci · 1stFirst degree connectionDivision Management de TransitionMarch 27, 2012, Jérôme was Martin’s client
    • Martin Graham : is full of knowledge and psychology to help you in your job environment, making you aware of your weaknesses and strengths, and showing you how to use it successfully


Benoit DE MONTESSUS · 1stFirst degree connectionDirector of International Business Development ( Wholesale , Retail , Mass Market )March 5, 2018, Benoit was Martin’s client
    • What a pleasure to work with Martin.
    • He knew how to coach me to get the best out of me even to lead me to think differently
    • and to make sure that when you make me go I am more efficient.
    • We worked on self-presentation, leadership, highlighting skills.
      Thanks to Martin I could pass the messages I wanted.
      I recommend you to be coached by Martin to be proud of your appointments and you !!


Jean-Louis Marignier · 1stFirst degree connectionResponsable Financier - RetraitéAugust 31, 2015, Jean-Louis was Martin’s client
    • Hi Martin,
    • You helped me a lot to become concious of my abilities to define my personal development strategy.


Gilles Costa  Ist1st degree connectionFounder & CEO, RNPUR
I choose Martin because of one essential quality: he inspires confidence.  Martin has a valuable talent to make you achieve outstanding and fast results.  He combines different methods and ssytems making each coaching session a new journey.  He goes fast, you learn at high speed, and after a few months I have to recognize that I made fantastic and visible progress and change.

Martin Graham reviews on Google


Martin Graham est un super coach. Grâce à lui j’ai pu améliorer mon anglais rapidement et dans une ambiance agréable. Il sait repéré les faiblesses et les point fort de chacun et nous pousse à nous améliorer de façon efficace.  Je ne peux que fortement le recommander et le remercier pour son aide. 


Martin is a very professional person, he is very thoughtful and respectful. He is thorough with his research and has a wide ranging life experience to draw on. He adapted very quickly to my international needs, being based in the U.K. All of our business was conducted on line or via video calls. Martin was excellent at working remotely, the distance was not an issue at all. He helped me to prepare and build documents and was able to assist by video call with any problems. Teaching me to have confidence in myself. He is an excellent communicator ànd puts you at ease. I much appreciated working with Martin and highly recommend. 


Martin Graham est un coach très investi et très efficace notamment pour les présentations en public. Analyse des attentes du public, élaboration d’un message pertinent et marquant, occupation de l’espace...en anglais et en français. Très à l’écoute, il conseille sans jamais imposer son point de vue et fait partager sa riche expérience. Je le recommande vivement. 


La préparation au concours d’ingénieur dans la territoriale m’a conduit à chercher une formation au delà des cours théoriques et trop « old school » du CNFPT.Après 2 premiers cours dans ce centre de formation à écouter un formateur lire son power point projeté sur écran et être inondé de documentations sur une plateforme indigeste pour se préparer tout seul dans son coin, j’ai décidé de chercher une formation personnalisée. Tout naturellement je me suis orienté vers Martin Graham qui adapte sa formation sur votre projet professionnel, en apportant son experience riche d’un parcours au sein de diverses sociétés internationales. L’échange et le dialogue avec Martin sont bien plus riches et motivants pour aborder le rôle d’un manager, d’un leader au sein d’une équipe que tous les webinaires ou les cours théoriques sur un power-point...J’ignore si je réussirais mon concours, mais j’ai l’assurance de pouvoir à present postuler, si l’opportunité se présente, sur un poste de managerWGGestionnaire de patrimoine communal 


Etudiante internationale à Paris, je souhaite poursuivre mes études dans une université anglophone, d’ou le besoin de me perfectionner. Excellent professeur d'anglais, Martin sait se montrer patient pour atteindre l’objectif fixé. Avec sa méthode d'apprentissage qui consiste à parler des sujets divers ou d'actualités, j'ai pu faire énormément de progrès. Il est un exellent pédagogue qui sait m'aider lorsque j'en ai besoin. Ses horaires sont très flexibles, il arrive toujours à s'adapter à mon planning changeant. Par un télétravail qualitatif, nous avons fait un super cour ou j’ai pu parler et utiliser toutes mes connaissances en anglais!En tant que femme je me sens très à l'aise avec lui. Je vous le recommande vivement!!


Martín est un homme très doux et très à l’écoute. Il lit en vous comme dans un livre ouvert et vous aide dans votre orientation à merveille. Il a sans le moindre doutes de nombreuses techniques pour définir ce qui vous représente le mieux et vous tire uniquement vers le haut! Je recommande !